• 2023-08-09
How to implement scalable and testable SwiftUI navigation?

Although SwiftUI is a great framework, it’s not without its limitations. If you’ve ever had to implement a complex application, utilizing branching navigation flows, you probably know what I am talking about. Yes, navigation components in SwiftUI have been a constant source of headache…  An iOS 16 addition, the NavigationStack,…

  • 2023-06-09
How to test UIKit & SwiftUI views? Explained with memes.

The benefits of having an exhaustive automated tests suite are obvious to anyone who ever worked on an app for more than a few months. We’ve all seen what lack of code maintenance might do: duplication, hidden side effects, convoluted business logic. A project codebase is like a garden -…

  • 2023-03-21
Why should you KISS your SwiftUI views? Explained with memes

If you've been a software developer for a while, you've likely heard about the Keep it Simple, Stupid (KISS) design principle. It suggests that our systems should be implemented in the simplest way possible across all application layers: persistence, services, business logic, and the UI. For all non-user facing app…